So, I just decided this morning, oh say 5am that one I couldn't sleep, and two I was waking up anyway to make Marv's lunch for him so why not stay awake and go a run... Ok need I remind you I am 27 weeks. Well, I got this sudden super women power and went on a run. It was amazing. I only was able to run about a mile before walking the rest, but it's a start. My goal is to be able to run at least 3 miles by my due date. I think I can, I think I can. surprisingly, it wasn't too hot at like 5:30 the smorning so if anyone would like to join my new running adventure come on.
I wonder what people think when they see a huge pregnant women running??
Side note, this is kind of cool! How the heck does she do it??
I would love to win a bronze metal being pregnant.This is awsome. New future goal... win a metal running while pregnant!!